Wednesday, March 25, 2009

march 1

March is here. Time to dig out the Irish tunes.

february 28

When we first got married, we had a whole house of carpet. Then we moved to the apartment and I had four floors to mop: two bathrooms, the kitchen, and the entry way. I thought I could have cleaner floors by mopping them down on my hands and knees. I was an insane semi-new newlywed. Then after I woke up and smelled the coffee, I bought a mop and matching bucket on a whim at Target. Nothing fancy, just a normal wringer mop. I fell in love with it and how it made my life so much easier. Then I go to buy a replacement head and find they're being clearanced out. In my anger at the upper management of Target, and because I want to use that mop as long as possible, I bought three. For $2.98 a piece. Which is down from the regular price of $5.99.

february 27

Reason #55 why I love Costco - the never ending supply of toilet paper. We buy one of those mongo big packages of it and it lasts forever. What did we do before we became members under Phil's aunt's no longer existing home business?

february 26

A typical day in the life of our living room. Mail scattered on the floor. One of my many bags of books - this one holds piano music and junior church stuff. Coats hanging off the chair my grandma redid for me. A wooden tray that needs some weeding out. Library books upside down to hold the place. Afghans draped on the couch. This is our life.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

february 25

Picked up my latest reserved read at the library today. Paid some of my fine off too. I'm horrible about getting books back in on time. I've probably purchased an entire set of encyclopedias with all the money they've gotten out of me over the years.

february 24

Phil had to get two new tires on his car the other day. He came home with this box of free beef -four New York strip steaks. He grilled us up two for dinner. Surprisingly, two tires can get you some really great steak! Thanks, Les.

february 23

Grading papers. . . it's all in a day's work. It requires a fair amount of variety in pen color choices. And it never ends.

february 22

Got a Sunday paper after church today to check for available rentals. I made up my list for Phil to scope out tomorrow on his day off. The verdict: all the ones I circled were holes in the wall. The lightbulb moment: You can get homes in a wide variety of conditions for $995 a month. (Even so, we're hoping for something really nice for a lot less.)

february 21

My scrapbooking date with Angie was cancelled, so we ended up driving back out to Hood River to pick up our freshly fired mugs and my serving tray. Now we can drink our mochas in style.

february 20

How does this happen? Every single year??? I spend my good hard-earned money on cards. Cards that I spend a good chunk of time picking out. Then I say I'm going to mail out my especially chosen for you Valentines early enough so they arrive on time. Yet every year they're still sitting here a week or two later. Family, I love you. I'm just so not on top of my game at the moment.

february 19

Trying to stay up on things around here because I know the weekend's gonna be busy. Cleaned the bathroom and did a couple loads of laundry tonight. Yeah for Clorox!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

february 18

An replica of an authentic northwest Indian cedar plank house taken at the field trip to the End of the Oregon Trail. From here we went to McDonald's. Me, 21 kids, and 10 parents hanging out together in the nasty Play Place. I was so glad when I declared it was time to pack it up and head on out.

february 17

Orchards on the brain today. . .reading a biography of Johnny Appleseed at school, reserving the book Apples to Oregon at the library to read to my class, living in the Orchards neighborhood of Vancouver, driving by a small apple orchard on my way to work. I like how they get the trees planted so straight.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

february 16

We spent President's Day mostly at home, but I also squeezed in a hair cut and a trip to Walmart for some groceries.

february 15

Still thinking about yesterday and the beautiful trip to the Gorge. I took this on the way home and since I didn't snap a picture today, we'll just be reminiscing.

february 14

Our super fabulous Valentine's Day breakfast date at Multnomah Falls. Then on to explore Hood River and paint pottery.

february 13

Walked in the door after school today to these beauties. I love these dark-tipped pink roses! We had rotisserie chicken, roasted red potatoes, and salad with some cheesecake and wine for dessert. Phil got to stay up late since he was taking Saturday off, so we ended up watching Sleepless in Seattle. Well, actually, I fell asleep in the middle of it.

february 12

This self-portrait was actually taken on the 13th, but who's really keeping track? I've been a week behind and no one's complained yet. I can tell it's time for a hair cut. The bangs are getting a little bit too long.

february 11

This is what happens when you stand on your swiveling desk chair to reach the popcorn on the top shelf for your 2nd grade class good behavior party which you planned for the afternoon of the day you led chapel, and you lose your balance and hit your back on the sharp corner of the open filing cabinet drawer. That thing hurt. Note to Self: Borrow a kid's chair next time.

Monday, February 16, 2009

february 10

I pass this sign every day on my way to school. It makes me laugh. We know the world ain't right. But exactly what do they do at the WORLD AIN'T RIGHT ENTERPRISE LLC CORP.???? Maybe I should google them and see what I can find.

february 9

Trying to capture the water droplets in this plant that resembles cabbage. Although, in this picture, it looks very much like a rose.

february 8

I played the piano in church today. We did one of my favorite songs, Be Unto Your Name. I especially like verse 2. "We are the broken, You are the healer. Jesus, Redeemer, mighty to save; You are the love song we'll sing forever, bowing before You, blessing Your name." I thought it was so appropriate with Valentine's Day coming up, seeings how I have Valentine's Day on my brain with chapel and all.

february 7

Phil took the day off and while we were picking up a few things at the mall, we stopped for something to drink. He got a hazelnut latte and I got my usual. . .a white chocolate mocha. This one came, not only with whipped cream, but also with white chocolate shavings sprinkled on top. So everytime you'd get a sip of one, it melted in your mouth. Delightful :) I took this picture with my cell phone to send to my dad because he absolutely despises fru-fru coffee drinks (so you can't see the yummy goodness on top).

february 6

Baking and blogging - two of the best ways to unwind after a busy week at school. Made my all-time favorite cookies tonight: oatmeal chocolate chip. I've tweaked the recipe so it uses mostly whole wheat flour and rolled oats. Underbaked just a little so they stay a little on the softer side, nothing can beat them. Well, except maybe the peanut butter cup kind my aunt makes for Christmas. These are definitely healthier.

february 5

The Starbucks Mothership. Got myself a white chocolate mocha here this morning. Such a good way to start the day.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

february 4

Tonight, instead of yelling "Dinner is served" it was more like "Dinner is burned."

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

february 3

Y-M-C-A, Y-M-C-A. No, Phil is not doing the motions to the song, he's making muscles. And humoring me because I asked him to make me some muscles. Love that about him.

february 2

I've always had a strange fascination with airplane contrails. I wonder where the planes are off to, who's on board, where it took off from. I liked the way these ones looked up next to the clouds. And such a pretty blue sky.

february 1

I made these yummy blonde chocolate chunk brownies for the SuperBowl festivities today. Now tell me why on earth did I take a picture of brownies and not of the two guys sitting in the living room watching it all day?

Monday, February 2, 2009

january 31

For Christmas I got Phil a bunch of water color supplies. He's been working on his technique using the pressed colors. I think they just pop off that white paper. Can't wait to see what he's able to do.

january 30

I took Phil on a dinner date to Chevy's. I can say I took him because I paid for it. Even though it comes from the same account, I was the one signing the receipt. And whoever signs the receipt is the one who's doing the taking out. (It's a little weird love thing we have.) I forgot my camera, so I found this picture on their website. I thought it was fitting - "Give your sweetie a little treatie." Chevy's is a Tex-Mex place with the best chips and salsa around. Seriously.

january 29

We go from the land of rainbows one day to the land of fog the next. Care to come walk in the clouds with me?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

january 28

I love, love, love rainbows. I love being reminded of God's promises. And I've said it before, but Portland is the land of rainbows. This was the third rainbow I saw today after I left the grocery store. I about put my arm out of socket trying to grab my gym bag out of the back seat so I could get my camera. Don't worry, I actually took this picture stopped at a stop light. But I have to say, this picture of the day thing can get pretty dangerous.

january 27

My sister took my picture for me today of my adorable nephew Keegan. Have I mentioned lately that I can't wait to go to Ohio in June to spoil him rotten?

january 26

Today was an inservice day. As you can see, I was totally engrossed in mapping out math curriculum. You can also see that I'm a piler. Check out the top of the bookshelf and filing cabinet. I need an inservice day just to organize.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

january 25

Today: Slept in, skipped Sunday School, helped in Jr. Church, warmed up leftovers, took a nap, talked to mom, baked cookies, snuggled on the couch. Tonight: clean up the kitchen, grade papers, do a load or two of laundry, catch up on some thank you notes.

january 24

Phil took this picture of me. Seems like I spent half the day in bed. Took a 3 1/2 hour nap trying to sleep off this blasted cold, and took a break later on from letter writing to talk to my sister. . . and my niece, who is having problems throwing temper tantrums lately. She and I had a nice long chat about her behavior.

january 23

A little love I'm sending to my sister. She called to talk to Phil not too long ago so she could learn the ins and outs of my niece's ipod. Found this little handy-dandy guide in the $1 bins at Target. I couldn't resist. Funny thing is, I should've bought one for myself, because I don't know how to work the dumb thing either.

january 22

Picked these up from the library today. Now, to just find some time to actually read them all.

january 21

Thank God for sick days. And Walmart for its large selection of cold medications. And for Chicken & Stars, the best soup for when you're sick - ever.

january 20

I watched part of the inauguration today in the gym with the rest of the staff and all the students. It was really amazing to see so many people - estimated to be 2 million - packed like sardines in the Mall area to witness it. I think I'm too claustrophobic to ever be a part of a crowd that big. I didn't vote for President Obama, but I am glad to live in a country that allows people to make choices and decisions of who their government leaders will be.

Monday, January 19, 2009

january 19

I kidnapped Phil when he got off work and we went up to Rocky Butte in Portland to see the sights. The weather has been really clear - with NO rain, very sunny - with NO clouds, and quite windy -with LOTS of big gusts, as you can tell by my hair flying all over the place. I love seeing the mountains all snowy and white. (Mt. Hood in the background.)

january 18

It appears that the Beverly Hillbillies have moved to Portland. Granny wasn't sitting up in the rocking chair, it's a bit too windy for that.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

january 17

Us. Just before we left for a worship team/trustee appreciation dinner at the church. Good food. Good fellowship. Made a quick stop at the mall afterward. I couldn't believe how dead it was in there. How many stores have closed up since Christmas. It was strangely eerie.

january 16

It's not the greatest picture ever taken, but we sure have had some pretty sunsets. Snowy Mt. Hood (look closely) has been reflecting off all the light. Tonight everything looked pink.

Friday, January 16, 2009

january 15

Found out today during my blog browsing that in just two more short issues, my favorite magazine of all times will be no more. No more Simple Scrapbooks? That's sooooo not fair. They have to end it because of the bad economy. They, the folks over at Creating Keepsakes, can't get enough ads to keep it running. I am so bummed. My Mom has gifted me a subscription to it for about the last 5 or 6 years. I loved the days it came in the mail. The days I'd stop everything else that I was doing and flip through the coolest collection of ideas and layouts. Layouts that I could actually steal and recreate. I loved their special issues that I'd pick up at Barnes & Noble. I have saved them all. I look at them over and over again. The only good news is that bits and pieces of Simple Scrapbooks will be included again in Creating Keepsakes magazine. I'm going to be in mourning for about the next 5 years. In other news. . .Creative Memories has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. Found that out today in a blog too.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

january 14

14 days into a "new and better me." Sadly, not seeing that translate into lower numbers on the scale just yet. However, for the first time ever tonight, I set the resistance on 13 on the ellyptical. I pretended Bob & Jillian were there screaming in my face. And, OK, when you normally are on 1 or 2, a setting of 13 feels like you are being sucked into a mud vortex.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

january 13

The 13th is self-portrait day simply because my birthday is on the 13th and 13 has always been my favorite number. And because they say that we need to come out from behind the camera to record ourselves once in a while. Now, to make self-portraits not all seem the same. This daily picture taking thing is harder than I thought it would be.

january 12

The bubble bath is blissful. The handsoap smells delightful. The "scent me" lotion is divine after you shave. And the rest of the line is always on my wish list. Phil did really, really good when he arrived in Ohio that first visit with a basket full of this stuff. I gave some to my bridesmaids. My sister gets it nearly every year now for her birthday. It's Satsuma. It's orange. And it's from The Body Shop. It puts Bath & Body Works to shame.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

january 11

Nothing says Sunday like taking a nap after church.