Tuesday, February 24, 2009

february 18

An replica of an authentic northwest Indian cedar plank house taken at the field trip to the End of the Oregon Trail. From here we went to McDonald's. Me, 21 kids, and 10 parents hanging out together in the nasty Play Place. I was so glad when I declared it was time to pack it up and head on out.

february 17

Orchards on the brain today. . .reading a biography of Johnny Appleseed at school, reserving the book Apples to Oregon at the library to read to my class, living in the Orchards neighborhood of Vancouver, driving by a small apple orchard on my way to work. I like how they get the trees planted so straight.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

february 16

We spent President's Day mostly at home, but I also squeezed in a hair cut and a trip to Walmart for some groceries.

february 15

Still thinking about yesterday and the beautiful trip to the Gorge. I took this on the way home and since I didn't snap a picture today, we'll just be reminiscing.

february 14

Our super fabulous Valentine's Day breakfast date at Multnomah Falls. Then on to explore Hood River and paint pottery.

february 13

Walked in the door after school today to these beauties. I love these dark-tipped pink roses! We had rotisserie chicken, roasted red potatoes, and salad with some cheesecake and wine for dessert. Phil got to stay up late since he was taking Saturday off, so we ended up watching Sleepless in Seattle. Well, actually, I fell asleep in the middle of it.

february 12

This self-portrait was actually taken on the 13th, but who's really keeping track? I've been a week behind and no one's complained yet. I can tell it's time for a hair cut. The bangs are getting a little bit too long.

february 11

This is what happens when you stand on your swiveling desk chair to reach the popcorn on the top shelf for your 2nd grade class good behavior party which you planned for the afternoon of the day you led chapel, and you lose your balance and hit your back on the sharp corner of the open filing cabinet drawer. That thing hurt. Note to Self: Borrow a kid's chair next time.

Monday, February 16, 2009

february 10

I pass this sign every day on my way to school. It makes me laugh. We know the world ain't right. But exactly what do they do at the WORLD AIN'T RIGHT ENTERPRISE LLC CORP.???? Maybe I should google them and see what I can find.

february 9

Trying to capture the water droplets in this plant that resembles cabbage. Although, in this picture, it looks very much like a rose.

february 8

I played the piano in church today. We did one of my favorite songs, Be Unto Your Name. I especially like verse 2. "We are the broken, You are the healer. Jesus, Redeemer, mighty to save; You are the love song we'll sing forever, bowing before You, blessing Your name." I thought it was so appropriate with Valentine's Day coming up, seeings how I have Valentine's Day on my brain with chapel and all.

february 7

Phil took the day off and while we were picking up a few things at the mall, we stopped for something to drink. He got a hazelnut latte and I got my usual. . .a white chocolate mocha. This one came, not only with whipped cream, but also with white chocolate shavings sprinkled on top. So everytime you'd get a sip of one, it melted in your mouth. Delightful :) I took this picture with my cell phone to send to my dad because he absolutely despises fru-fru coffee drinks (so you can't see the yummy goodness on top).

february 6

Baking and blogging - two of the best ways to unwind after a busy week at school. Made my all-time favorite cookies tonight: oatmeal chocolate chip. I've tweaked the recipe so it uses mostly whole wheat flour and rolled oats. Underbaked just a little so they stay a little on the softer side, nothing can beat them. Well, except maybe the peanut butter cup kind my aunt makes for Christmas. These are definitely healthier.

february 5

The Starbucks Mothership. Got myself a white chocolate mocha here this morning. Such a good way to start the day.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

february 4

Tonight, instead of yelling "Dinner is served" it was more like "Dinner is burned."

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

february 3

Y-M-C-A, Y-M-C-A. No, Phil is not doing the motions to the song, he's making muscles. And humoring me because I asked him to make me some muscles. Love that about him.

february 2

I've always had a strange fascination with airplane contrails. I wonder where the planes are off to, who's on board, where it took off from. I liked the way these ones looked up next to the clouds. And such a pretty blue sky.

february 1

I made these yummy blonde chocolate chunk brownies for the SuperBowl festivities today. Now tell me why on earth did I take a picture of brownies and not of the two guys sitting in the living room watching it all day?

Monday, February 2, 2009

january 31

For Christmas I got Phil a bunch of water color supplies. He's been working on his technique using the pressed colors. I think they just pop off that white paper. Can't wait to see what he's able to do.

january 30

I took Phil on a dinner date to Chevy's. I can say I took him because I paid for it. Even though it comes from the same account, I was the one signing the receipt. And whoever signs the receipt is the one who's doing the taking out. (It's a little weird love thing we have.) I forgot my camera, so I found this picture on their website. I thought it was fitting - "Give your sweetie a little treatie." Chevy's is a Tex-Mex place with the best chips and salsa around. Seriously.

january 29

We go from the land of rainbows one day to the land of fog the next. Care to come walk in the clouds with me?